IDcapt- Logo 2023 _fond blanc
integración SaaS - Cloud

Cloud or SaaS

No server, no software, easy installation, full support.

Gestión de los accesos

Dedicated or Hosted

Real-time access and flow management without limiting access and number of users

An innovative solution

No software - Secure cloud-based (SaaS) use

Easy to use

4 menus: Access - Time slot - User - Event

Multi-technology person identification

Card / Badge - Smartphone - Keyboard code - QR Code

Stand-alone access or connected via Internet

Ethernet (POE) - WIFI - (4G option)

Real-time flow management

Flow supervision, presence management, access control

Multi-technology person identification

Card / Badge - Smartphone - Keyboard code - QR Code

Accreditation of passages according to use

On period, counting, pre payment, post payment

Customisable user interface

Customised user interface according to profile, use, business

For more information please contact us.


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